
37 Art Reviews w/ Response

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Pixel Art just got badass...

Well, holy crap. You know, at first glance, this looks like a digital painting? As in, pretty damn good, but for 410 hours? I would have expected something more along the lines of 40. Because digital painting is pretty fuck-easy like that (once you learn, of course).

Then I took a closer look at, well, pixel art? Seriously, Pixel Art? And then suddenly everything made sense.

I wouldn't worry about the people at NG picking you at on the ever-so-minor flaws. we're not exactly high-brow art enthusiasts. But seriously, great work, and a damn fine story behind it, too! The shear amount of texture, and colour management, is seriously nothing short of, well, fucking amazing!

Why the hell isn't Blizzard promoting this right now and promoting you for spending more time on their universe then most people spend on their games. Which includes me - I have no idea who this character is.

Brilliance, simply that, and I'm glad that you finally got it done, finally managed to share this with the world. And I'm glad to be one of the first on NG to see it, too :3

ElkDarkshire responds:

Thank you alot for your comment :)

Yeah, digital painting is easier, but I chose Pixelart because you have absolute control over every single pixel, and that makes pixelart so nice I think :)...

Of course, it's not always about super detailed goals and such...but this was my aim, to get to a really smooth result!


Everything I'm going to say, as well as everything that Wayne said, can easily be summarized into "Don't fucking do it in the last 40 minute before the Flood because the result is kind of gay".

But hopefully I can actually go ahead and fit a few things about the picture that aren't obvious in there as well.

It's obvious that the picture was rushed - it shows on many, many levels, and the entire picture suffers as a result of this. this, you know.

What perhaps you didn't know that this make a perfect example of the type of shading that you've chosen to use, and its a good excuse to go out into the world and study a little "Colour Theory" - soemthing that every artist who wants to colour their pictures should look into.

You've started off with a mild colour to begin with, something respectable. But, looking at the shading below the neck, you can see that the shading goes from cool colours to warm back to cool - a mix which simply, isn't working out. Next time you shade, you'll want to make sure that yours colouring is consistent - that it goes from warm to cool or vise versa, or simply stays in one of the two regions.

The lighter green aura around the eye is also another example of poor Colour Theory - when already starting with a mild colour, it doesn't make sense to go from mild to lighter back to mild again, an it jars with the rest of the colours. When using lighter colours, make sure to use them in places where the light source would realistically hit - in this case, more likely then not, up on the dino's head instead of in and around his eye.

Course, these points are just that - points - that can be bent or broken, so long as they're mean tto be - I've seen some truly stunning psychedelic pictures while looking for art that do just that, However, it doesn't look like you were trying to bend the rules, and if you were, you might to get some practice at it.

There's also that these points don't exactly matter int he face of that the amount of rushed that you did sort of renders these previous points moot, but I'd thought I'd put them there anyway, as food for thought.

Congratulations on contributing with dedication to procrastination, spaghetti, and its a shame this Flood sort of went out with a tinkle. i kind of feel a bit responsible for that.

Spags responds:

Jesus, that's a big review for such a shitty piece! Thanks linty :)

To start off in my defense, I don't think the main linework is too terrible. That's about all I will defend though.

I agree with all the coloring, some of it was a mistake, and some of it messed up when I converted from cmyk to rgb, losing the effect. I know exactly what you are talking about, and recognize my mistakes. I still am not great at coloring, and I find it very frustrating, but I thank you for your valiant effort to school me in the ways of successful coloring.

Also, I too am saddened by the lack of flood participation this month. Twas a bit disappointing. Anyways, thanks for the review :)

Mind = Blown

Wow, poxpower, I have to hand it to you - you've really done well with this piece, and while I agree with Kamikaye's suggestion of making the moon's texture seem more distinct, the only other real problem I can find is that the moon seems to be infront of the clouds- which only seem to be quite thick. And wouldn't the chainsaw, having split right into the pumpkin, have split a little of light out?

But minor problems and they don't take away from the overall quality of the art - great colours, use of positioning, great portrayal of the characters (Dad looks both menacing AND badass, and you don't see Nene too often without Pico leading the way, so that's interesting). Just... brilliant everything, and the only thing I really have to ask you is how long it took you you to pull off a piece like this?

poxpower responds:

it took... 20 hours maybe? Something like that.
The clouds behind the moon LOOK COOLER : D
That's why. I know it doesn't make sense except maybe in 5th century cosmology.

Snarf this, you bastard!

Great picture, Saurus, and I can honestly say that I really did, in every way shape and form, "lol" when I saw the decapitated Snarf. Mind you, I only really know the mascot fellow from Robot Chicken, so I'm used to him being brutally murdered in one way or another.

Anyway, great little chibi and a unique take on the theme of the black cat. There is a lot of good in this picture - everything from the awesome shading to the way how you even took the time to give the lil' icon a body, which I'm sure he'd appreciate - especially since it suits him perfectly. Great detail on the lineart, it really sets the pace for the shading, and overall it's a picture of glee.

However, there are a few things that could be improved. The background could have been prepped up with a few props to help set the scene, and the shading on the blood pool look way off - it really does look as if it's floating, which doesn't really help the tone of the picture. That and the facial expression is a weak try at being powerful in it's expressiveness - he doesn't look angry, or sad, or even frustrated, more like one of those middle-aged accountants that get you giggling at their own geekiness.

But it's a great picture, Saurus, and I had fun reviewing it.

AwesomeSaurus responds:

Damn I appreciate that, very good review Lintire! I'll definitely take some of those things into account in my work in the future. Background i know is weak (being nothing XD) maybe what I should do is focus on a setting and then putting the character within it, instead of just working with the character first!


When the most detailed part of the picture is the pubic hair, Slappy, then you knows that you have priority issues.

Oh well, all it needs now is a turkey slap and it really is a picturesque view of Newgrounds.

tehslaphappy responds:


T-6 to Blastoff

Nice picture, Gumby, and there are quite a few great concepts in here love how you've managed to incorporate the icon, and the overall abstractness of the picture makes for some great eye-candy, a few weird little creatures in it that really do give off the impression of... well, if I had to compare it to anything, it would have to be the Art Forum personificated.

The main problem that I can get with this picture is that it's incredible simple - not simplified, just simple. there isn't nearly enough activity in the picture, the shading is sparse to say the least, the light sources make the least amount of sense and even the lineart is incredibly low in it's detail. The most that you really can do to increase the detail of a piece is to shove more time into it - and for a piece with a wide (ie, lots of space in it) background that's what you need to do to pull it off effectively.

Either way, a nice picture and congratulations on getting it in with the flood.

Havegum responds:

I can see what you mean.
My main focus on this one was the composition. Being in media class and all, we learnt a lot about composition. The golden mean, rule of thirds, Fibonacci spiral and whatnot. The main problem is that I let this take up most of the time creating this.

Thank you so much for the good review!
Happy friday flood!

Imma firin mah lazor

Nice piece, JKA, and I can definitely see which bits were done in Flash and which were done in Photoshop - it's a clear blend of each, and you've mixed it cleverly. Not to mention that Nae is fighting ways Rays. I see some humor in that. It might just be me trying to see the funny side of everything. If it indeed is based off good ol' RaeNaeNae, but I doubt that it could be anyone else anyway. Anyway, just over here to drop a review and the like, I'll try to keep it somewhat cohesive.

There are quite a few good things about this pictures - the colouring suitably matches the background detail, you've managed to blend both Flash and Photoshop really well to give off the feeling of an urban challenge, something of a battler scouring the streets. I love that idea, and moderators kicking ass is to be expected anyway, so great job on giving that impression. Did a little clicking on the previous version and I can say you've improved a heap - not just in style, but in technique and, well, just about anything that can be improved on. The subtle additions - like colouring the highlights to make them look as if reflected off Rae's Rays, her ninja pose and the minor details like that - all add in to an effective picture.

However, there's also quite a bit that needs improving on. Her proportions are so out of whack it's not even funny - her legs being shorter then her arms, her torso a tree trunk, and her boobs look like they could probably smother me to death without much effort behind the blow. Now of course perspective plays a part but it hasn't been used nearly effectively enough to make up for the horrible proportions. The background could use a lot more additions to secure it as an urban setting - whether it be minor props, the bodies of splattered gangsters, or a thousand other things that could make the setting seem much more realistic and viable - while Flash was effective, using Photoshop to create the background would have been the better choice.

Other things - like her non-existent face (hehe, see what I did there?), her neglected shading spots, and the overall lack of detail are really what bring this submission down - it's a good piece, but simply not good enough to make up for it's own flaws. Honestly, the main way I would say to improve it is to add in everything, even if only things that might need adding, in simple format during the sketch layer, and repeatedly both going back to edit that sketch layer to add in the details, before finally applying it to your final piece - right here, it seems as though you've drawn it straight off the bat, an approach which, more often then not, turns out to be fairly ineffective on satisfying an art-critic on closer observation - it tends to lack detail, a component that most pieces need.

Overall, it's a good piece and I like it - it's effective and the inside joke is there for all to see. However, there are many ways that you could improve it and I would suggest that you try a few - while it's obvious that you've improved a great deal, being willing to take the time to really plug in those minor details and greater backgrounds really does help out in the long run. Good work, JKA, this is a good addition to your art collection as it is.

And sorry being being such a wordy bastard, it's more or less my nature when it comes to writing.

JKAmovies responds:

Well... I'd like to say that is the longest review I have ever seen (not that it's a bad thing mind you).

Alright, onto actually responding: Thank you for the review and the very good helpful criticism, as you have labeled many, well, everything that could help me improve on :3

The main point of this was simplicity (in a way), I am all for simplicity (is just me) and adding too many variations and colours degrades that simplicity that I was aiming for, though, a background would have helped for sure (I dunno, I don't like drawing bg for art).

My proportional values still need work as always, but I am getting better and will keep aiming at improving that (I'm not too good at female proportions... yet), but, in my own way, If I were to make the proportions too-realistic, it would ruin the over-all design (I wasn't aiming for realistic features, you probably guessed from the broom head) but I understand what needs to be improved and will work from it.

I should undertake your advice for trying multiple shades and layers, It isn't something I do often, and would probably help out a lot. When I draw, it's usually on paper with pencil, then scanned into photoshop or a file image, then drawn over onto photoshop/flash and finalized into the final piece. Maybe adding the variation of styles and shades would help the overall proportions also..?

Either way, thank you for your very detailed review. I will try my best to work from it ~JKA


I'm loving the general feeling of innocence in this piece - that chance encounter, that one brief meeting that turns to a full-blown friendship - and this picture reeks of that kind of innocent play-dating.

The watercolour effect you've achieved greatly adds to the atmosphere - it looks like a child's finger-painting in some aspects, and I can appreciate that kind of addition to detail. It certainly has a story-telling aspect,a s detailed by the white boundaries and all circling the picture, creating yet again that aspect of child chance-encounter. Even the cartooiny anime-esque girl adds to it, and it's a great piece.

However, not all fun and games. The proportions on the girl are considerably out of whack, and the background, as in props, is practically nonexistent - adding to these would significantly improve the "life" or staring time of a picture, as a viewer takes in the whole thing rather then just the general gist.

But it's a great picture, and I like it.

FallenBane responds:

Ah, proportions. My worst enemy. :P
Glad you like it though.

Tropical Fruit Waffles

Cloudy, love your style, always seems to me as though you've been hanging out with the hippies of Australia, learning their secrets and applying them to your work - another by-product of the hippies affecting your mind, and apparently using Cometa as well :3

I love the colours and tones in this piece - the constant shifting and interchanging of colours making it seem like some sort of tropical fruit punch, the type that you get on Saturdays and keep well enough away from your penguin waffles. the shading is awesome and unique, and it actually gets quite hard to tell your contributions from Cometa's at a few of the points, and I'm enjoying the overall effect - although I'm going to take a leap of faith and say that you drew the middle character.

My only real qualm is that it doesn't seem busy enough - while the foreground is great and the background suits it, it seems really, really empty and the colours don't do nearly enough to make up for that - which isn't a deal-breaker, it's still a great piece and I enjoy it.

CloudEater responds:

Thanks, lol hippies. I tried to make it colourful and use an even amount of different colours. It seems it's even harder to tell who did what than you thought it was. Yes it does seem a bit empty, I need to work on my busyness personally. Thanks heaps for the review.

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Alexander @Lintire

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