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Only you could draw the NG staff lusting after floppy small boy dicks and still get it frontpaged.

A masterpiece in concept, execution, and public reaction.

nitrile responds:

floppy? he's got an m4 sherman between his legs. he'll blow your nuts off.

it's only a matter of time before they realize what's truly going on.

Yo Luw.

Use either less soft brushes or more hard ones. Obvious you just copy pasted the flower, missed an opportunity for some multi-angle fuckinjg. Plant in the foreground doesn't read, barely noticed the thorn. Colours are boring, ain't no unifying warm or cool there. Dew drops defy gravity. Light on the flower and the vine is coming from two different directions.

Ain't memorable, but an improvement over your last submission.

Luwano responds:

Thanks for your review. I screwed up on the background rose, I know. I had to rotate it and orignally planned to redo it once the foreground is done, but time ran out on me.

Copying the rose was actually necessary and the point of the pic was to have the same refelection again and again. I even tried drawing it one more time for the biggest dew drop, but halfway through I realized that there was little sense in spending double the time to make it look half as good.

As for the mutliangle thing, it's a good idea for another pic, but there would not be a noticable difference in angle if you look through two drops that are hardly an inch away from each other, or would it?

The drops don't defy gravity, if you looked at the reference there were similar drops on the top side of the branch. If anythingy I made mine too big or the stem too small.

You are right about the overuse of soft brushes and that I should have done more to the foreground plant. I think adding more thorns could have helped.

Thanks for taking the time to write a proper review and for your pointers and tips. It's really helpful.

What up, Z. Ain't got the patience for prose so lets spit this shit out.

Transition from metal to skin on the second gal screams lazy brushing. Nice specular mapping on their armour but its a shame you couldn't do the shame to their headdresses - darker values would pop that shit right out. With the width between her eyes she looks like a salamander.

Warm and cool lights look out of place - shoehorned into the pic. Pretty obvious that you slapped on colour with a "colour" layer. Hair looks like a string mop. Transitional string things between the two girls are just plain weak.

But it's a pretty cool piece, man.

ZaneZansorrow responds:


Hows it going, z?

First up, like what you've doing with the colours - that contrast of cool and warm colours, and fucking a have you ramped up the vibrancy like all fuck. Your actual painting technique ain't half bad either - nice indication of form and nice broad strokes.

When it comes to paintin', though, that ain't all what matters. There are a barrel of other aspects you could have worked a lil' more time into, see? Just sit your baby bossom back while I point out each and every one of them.

First up - the perspective is, for a lack of a better work, whack. It's completely inconsistent, and for anyone who looks at this image for more then 10 seconds it becomes utterly confusing. It's pretty damn obvious you didn't actually plan it out - a few examples: the two alien monsters have radical foreshortening, as well as the ninja himself, but go ahead and compare that to the perspective of the building itself and you can see its as if they're from two completely different pictures.

My advice? Try planning out your perspective beforehand. Foreshortening isn't all that comes into play.

Next up: you kind of cheaped on the textures, brother. Seriously, just looking at the different examples of texture in the pic and its unclear whether this is a painting or a photo collage. Usually its common consensus that if you insert textures into a pic, you use it as a base - paint it in, you know? And it's a little disappointing that at certain bits - most notably the building that they're all standing on - that you didn't line up the textures.

Takes away from the pic a lil'. Try experimenting with painting it all in, can really add a lot to the picture with not much effort on your behalf.

Misc stuff? Take an ogle at the way you deal with legs, his left knee seems to have snapped and his right leg doesn't quite seem attached to his hips. Don't know what's going on with the buildings in the background, but the entire lot seems to have sunk into the ground. Those white squares on the road really busy up the picture without adding anything to it and take away attention from more important details (like the aliens having their shit handed to them).

But overall? It works, z. Nice pic, and keep at it.

ZaneZansorrow responds:

Everything sounds about right if you put it that way :3

Truth be told, the background are photo textured, the appearance of the zord, ninja, and enemies looked texture by default brushes (the spatter and chalk brush).

So let see, I need anatomy study, perspective study, scenary study, and focus study. Thanks for the critique Linty :P


Congratulations on getting a finished product out! If anything, that's an achievement in itself. For the model itself, well, not bad for a first attempt. And a pretty nice start to 2012.

But there are a hell of a lot of things wrong with it. the most obvious that, while you were obviously trying to emulate TANKMEN, you ended up with a surreal representation instead.

The proportions are, to say the least, way off. especially in the torso; which is about 1.5x the original TANKMEN design. But also in more subtle ways - like how one leg is bigger then the other. You've ended up with some sort of freak that belongs in the belltower at Notre Dame.

The "flow" of the model could have used a hell of a helping hand too, if that makes any sense. As said before, it really does come off as a surreal still-life instead of the action-oriented piece that its trying to be. I'm afraid I can't really help point out how to improve the flow of the figure in a sculpture :( I've never really tried them before.

Paint-job could also, as final point, have used a bit of an overhaul - such as the base's colour scheme could have used quite a bit of saturation to match JonnyUtah's palette. As well as bits like the can getting a tad sloppy in application.

But hell, those are all just pointers. Obviously not a fan of the piece - but like I said before, a good start to another year. Keep at it, man!

Kinsei responds:

And here I thought Lintire didn't love me any more.

This... is one of the best reviews I have gotten in a long time, and I didn't have to go out and beg for it either.

I like that you not only are open about not liking the piece, but you took time to tell me what you felt what was wrong with that. That makes this review pretty valuable.
The first thing I want to address is the proportion issues. I agree that the torso is pretty far off. If you looked at the WIPS I posted in my New art thread, you can see that their was issues very early on with the proportions. Mostly due to a shoddy constructed armature. I should have gotten some epoxy steel and thick copper wire and done it right, but instead I used some smaller steel wire and twisted it out to get my proportions. That was an obvious mistake. I also didn't do much to try and recover when I blocked it out with aluminum foil , again a me dropping the ball.
The legs are about equal size on the actual Sculpture, so I think it just seems awkward in the angle of the photo, But then again, I could be off on my assumption as well.

As for the paint, yeah I wasn't taking my time either. I really wanted this out yesterday. I had originally allotted a week to complete this, but then it ended up taking closer to 3 weeks thanks to unforeseen circumstances, you know like employment :P.
I should have done a better job of thinning my paints to get them to spread better, and done better strokes with my brush.

Over all this is a pretty bitter sweet victory. I am pleased to have gotten the project done, and it isn't too bad, after all I have a tankmen of my own now. But I know I could have done a much better job if I had taken a little more time on the different steps of creation.

Thanks for the review Lintire.



There's no limit on art submissions, only the amount that you can submit each day (4). Just thought you might want to know that.

As for the submission itself, it is in a nutshell self-defeating. As in for certain aspects (like Jesus' face and the clouds) you've shown some semblance of form as well as an unconventional but effective way of expressing it.

However, the minute the eye snakes away from those few aspects and moves on to others, well, it completely throws the picture off whack. Which is a shame, really, because you've certainly shown some skill.

Otherwise, as a few other misc. details, choosing a white border for the tagline (which is a great line, by the way) was a terrible choice and makes it an eyesore to read, which isn't helped by the white spattering within the text itself.

There's promise, but it's easily held back by laziness. You've managed to do pretty well with the Cyanide and Happiness style regardless, so well done with that.

Especially since I've always considered Zombie Jesus to be one of CaH's weaker running gags.

ShawnCoss responds:

I appreciate the straight forwardness of your critique, it's refreshing! We were going to go a more detailed route for the overall image but wanted to still keep the simplistic look of the c&h style. So it was a bit of a give and take.

Regardless, I personally liked how it turned out myself but that's because I like zombie stuff and I'm self centered. =D

Like something out of Romantically Apocalyptic

It's suddenly occurred to me that while gas masks by themselves are wicked cool and whatnot, there is a distinct and sorry lack of gas masks with tusks in them. This at least partially rectifies that.

Of course there are its problems - for a character design there's remarkably little in it, and it contains all the detail of a bust. The overcoat itself has pretty messed up pockets and the cold background, well, lets just say that you could have done a whole lot more with it.'

However, the idea still stands as awesome and hell, I'd love to see more of this stuff. Although you're still within your usual aesthetic and all.

Rhunyc responds:

Thanks a bunch for the thoughtful review. :D And yeah romantically apocalyptic is one of my minor inspirations. :3

needs more cowbell

Hah! The style itself is almost identical to the comic book series released alongside the videogame, too. I'd love to know whether or not this was intentional. Please tell em it was intentional. I'd love you for a very long time.

As for the picture itself, it's quite good for what it is.

DarkVisionComics responds:

I never read the comics, Ive just seen strips of it. I got the pose from the dead space 2 cover on the collectors edition, *Issac flying backwards shooting necromorphs, but she's facing in the opposite direction and she doesn't have a helmet lol. But thanks

Disney can go fuck itself.

Best drawing of a fairy ever. This is non-negotiable.

dommi-fresh responds:

wow that was passionate

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